
Had a wierd experience today

Was going somewhere near in the Hosur road area and saw a dude trying to get hold of a girl while she was just trying to avoid him. I got suspicious and stopped the bike and asked him "hey, what's this? The dude was on a bike and i thot that i saw the girl with a hand support(i might be wrong) which people wear when it gets fractured. The dude was straight up hostile towards me.."Hey who are you? This is my wife". The girl didn't say shit. So i assumed OK. and i went ahead but i was still not satisfied. I went and little ahead but then i reversed and on returning i saw the girl had gone way ahead and the bike dude was now talking to someone on phone when i noticed that his shitty bike didn't had any plates. Then he stormed off behind that girl and i also pursued. This time when he saw me he gave me a look from the other side of road and came onto me like he was going to hit me but i also showed the same temper and didn't back out. Then there was a heated exchange between us, threats were given by him, No violence , No profanity from both sides. My Questions: 1. I have hard time believing she was her wife. They were both looking like chapri but i didnt see any signs that you see indian wife has(hindu or muslim whatever) like burqa, Bangles etc. 2. The dude seemed damn suspicious to me. His demeanor was very violent. Concern: I go through that route frequently and with my family. Should i be worried that the dude has singled me out? Because the area often becomes pretty lonely at night and i travel in night also.



Series A Startup

3 months ago




3 months ago

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by InsidiousBruh


Here's what happened next, after Police arrested my Colleague's Wife

Background During a trip to Thailand, me and a colleague accidentally swapped bags. When I called to explain the mistake, his wife accused me of trying to seduce her husband. She harassed me with phone calls, and later threw eggs at my residence. Then, set her husband's bag on fire and got into trouble with the police. She was then arrested. For full context: I would also like to address those who said that the story is fake. It isn't. I genuinely posted this here because as a woman it is hard to find spaces online to vent my frustrations. I was genuinely distressed at the moment and my flatmates did take care of me. I also received tons of support from the community here and I am thankful for that. Here's what happened next: I decided not to press charges as I am living away from my family and I don't want this to be the reason they start interfering in my personal freedom. Over the weekend, she apologized and invited me for dinner, I obviously declined because she acted all insane before. But she is literally so dramatic that she lied to everyone that I came to her house and hit her so hard that she puked all over her clothes. Thankfully, their society has CCTV coverage and I didn't even leave my home all weekend. So, no one believed her this time. Our group thankfully supported me throughout this and the colleague is no longer in the group. Now, I just want to get over this traumatic experience which when I look back at is too unreal to even think about.