
Leaving blr in 4 months- Rant

Came to Bangalore to join an in-office role, the org and role is good.

But coming from Gurgaon, I was not able to like the city.

Some cons:

  • Extremely poor infrastructure like a tier 2 city

  • Every govt official is corrupt, police can harass you anywhere

  • You neither feel homely nor is there any vibe of a cosmopolitan city. Local politics will not let this city become a cosmopolitan startup hub. Gurgaon is so so much better.

  • Everyone just wants to loot money, everything is expensive. Rent is high, landlord deducting 1 month extra rent, unnecessarily high security amount, cook and maid everything is so effin’ expensive

  • Alcohol is expensive.

  • Good food is expensive

The value of money is lesser here as compared to the rest of the country.

I have a flight tonight and I am so happy that it’s a one way flight.

I don’t mean to offend anyone, but bangalore can be very lonely and it has been so for many of my friends.

Particularly ease of life is much higher in NCR and that’s why a lot of people move back. Those who feel otherwise haven’t lived in NCR so Bangalore is more of just a bubble for them.


12mo ago

Lost you at Gurgaon is so much better. Having lived in Delhi and Gurgaon for the initial part of my career, Bangalore was a cakewalk compared to it.

The situation you listed is same everywhere else, but atleast I get clean air.


Clean air and no water to be precise.


Clean air and no water to be precise.


Agreed on everything you have said.
I think even the people who live here would agree that, despite that if people are staying, mostly it's because of dependencies like work, family and ofc the community(bangalore is the best hub of tech in India, no denying that fact!)


Ofcourse It’s a tech hub, but cities like Gurgaon are not far away. Also, I see Bangalore lagging behind soon due to multiple issues plus the local politics that is forcing so many things on us.


All tier 1 cities are screwed...Period.


True but then you have to play the cards you are dealt unless you are able to make 3-5 crores.


Gurgaon, NCR are not at all safe (specially for girls) at any time of the day (obviously night is out of question). I have lived in Gurgaon, Delhi, Bangalore and love Bangalore the most.


This is factually incorrect. You just like bangalore too much and that’s really nice


What is the source of your facts?


Sorry to see you go, all the best Jim


Thanks man!


But bro, Delhi peeps stalk gals real bad no?

Plus, BLR salaries are good, BLR tech communities are way better than Gurugram/NCRs, Managers in BLR are cool and more professional than NCR, US MNC teams are nicer and most BLR teams have better funding, No?

I feel very lonely, but I live in HSR so I get some North vibes and good food at okay prices so I don’t miss North as much. I’d like to better understand the NCR love from the PoV of a techie, enlighten me sirji.


Been here for more than 2 months already agree with everything


Same here bro. Came to Bangalore and faced each of these situations. Infact in on of the cases a rikshaw wala overtook me in a really bad way and when I tried confronting him for his reckless riding he stopped the rikshaw in the middle of the road and started hitting my window panes. I abused jim bad and jetted off from the situation.


Agreed, it's take a 1000 cuts to get over what they built over the last 20 years. It will be a long slow decay.

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Leaving Blr in 4 months- Rant

Came to Bangalore to join an in-office role, the org and role is good.

But coming from Gurgaon, I was not able to like the city.

Some cons:

  • Extremely poor infrastructure like a tier 2 city
  • Every govt official is corrupt, polic...
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