Relocating to Banglore
Hey folks, one good opportunity is approaching, but it requires me to move to Banglore. The current situation is not great I know and shifting to a different state is altogether hustle. The only good thing is the big package. Need neutral suggestions. Thanks in advance.

Never hesitate moving to other cities or states, basically get out of your comfort zone, maybe it's the start of something big, personally I was very reluctant to relocate to Bangalore a few yrs back but it turned out to be great 😃

Thank you for this. Much needed🙌🏻🙏🏻

Which State are you from ?


Food is differnt, culture is different, kannada scene is getting a bit heated up, water scarcity is increasing, heat is a problem
I am from Goa and didn't find myself comfertable in BLR. (Alltough I did not earn much) would prefer pune or hyderabad anyday.

If you have scope of growing a lot more in your role, i.e. salary wise then you should consider it.
Expenses will burn a hole in your pocket for sure.

Yes, it’s a Series B startup and they are giving a high package compared to the current company. There are many issues to solve so it will be a great learning experience. But yeah money🥲

I think you should go for it, if it’s a start up then appraisals will be quite good so it’ll be fine. Settling in blr or not is a question for later. Atb!!

Bro! I moved in Bangalore when I don’t have a job. So after struggling a within two years I got a job. But I learn lot of things like how to express yourself, the truth is if you get out from your comfort zone, then actually you start working on your personality and basic skills and professional skills. Good Luck for the bright future bro 💯

Thank you so much!! Good luck to you too!!

Bro, everything kept aside, don't move to Bangalore. You'll repent it in 3 working days.
Infra, water, transport, food, dating... everything here is a compromise.
You're free to come here, and experience it for yourself, but I'd request you spare yourself the hassle of this sad & sorry excuse of a city.

Yeah, I know the situation that’s why going back and forth. Thanks for the heads up.

Go, but be prepared for change. Things might be harder, public transport is not so friendly. It would not be like your home city so the less you compare, the happier you would be.

I live in Pune so it's not the same but yeah same metro city issues. Thanks for the motivation.