How do I not speak in an accent?
Just had a call with a US Based client. I found myself speaking in a very pretentious accent that I do not use ever if I am talking to someone in India.
Does this happen to you as well?
Idk if it's a bad or a good thing, though. I never tried to emulate or pretend to be somebody I'm not specially through my accent. I don't know what happened today. I suppose I was intimidated? Or maybe I'm just overthinking lol
Just the mind playing games - it tries to adapt to its surroundings hence the ‘problem’, but it’s actually not a problem. Doesn’t really matter anyways - speak the way you like
This. Whenever you feel like you're sounding weird in front of folks with an accent, think of yourself as a Japanese. Simply don't gaf :)
Slow your speech. It helps you enunciate the words better. Not necessary to pick up any accent. Say out the letters clearly, don't eat up your words by skipping the letters by talking fast
I guess this is it. I talk really fast when I'm nervous or when I'm pretending to be smart because much of my job entails that lol
Need to fetch 300 grapes 🍇
it's a natural response of your brain to try and match the person you're communicating with. this is how most people learn languages and accents. There's no hidden meaning here.
It happens. When I talk with my Irish teammates I slowly pick up their accent for few mins. Similarly with Brits as well.
However I don’t think I have any of these accents once I start talking offline.