
I joined the gym one month ago

I joined the gym one month ago. My budget does not allow PT so I am doing exercise based on suggestions of the common trainer. Now I have learned equipment names and a few exercises. My gym's trainers don't focus much on the core. I have to pull that one. I have noted my last week's routine.

I would like to have your suggestions.

  1. Back
  • Chin Ups Machine 12 Rep * 2
  • Pull Ups(Chin Dip Assist Machine) 12 Reps * 2
  • Seated Row Machine 12Reps * 4
  • Pull Down Leverage Machine 12 Reps * 4
  • V-Group Lat Pull Down with Crossover machine 12 * 4
  • Reverse Grip Back Row machine 12 * 3
  1. Biceps
  • Straight Dumbbell 12 Rep * 4
  • Hammer Dumbbell 12Reps, 10 Reps, 10 Reps, 8 Reps
  • Reverse Grip Cable Curls 12 Reps, 10 Reps, 10 Reps, 8 Reps
  • Rope Cable Biceps Curls 12 Reps, 10 Reps, 10 Reps, 8 Reps
  • Cumber Curl Machine 12 Reps, 8 Reps, 8 Reps, 6 Reps
  • Abs Crunch Machine 30 Reps, 20 Reps
  1. Chest
  • Push Ups 15 Reps, 12 Reps, 10 Reps, 5 Reps, 5 Reps
  • Bench Press 12 Reps, 12 Reps, 10 Reps, 6 Reps, 5 Reps
  • Incline Bench Press 12 Reps, 12 Reps, 8 Reps, 8 Reps
  • Butter Fly 12 Reps, 12 Reps, 8 Reps, 4 Reps, 4 Reps
  • Dumbbell Pullover 12 Reps, 12 Reps, 10 Reps, 10 Reps
  1. Tricpes
  • Diamond Pushup 15 Reps, 11 Reps, 10 Reps, 5 Reps, 5 Reps
  • Rope Triceps Extension 12 Reps, 12 Reps, 12 Reps, 12 Reps, 8 Reps
  • Triceps Pushdown with cable and straight bar 12 Reps, 12 Reps, 12 Reps, 10 Reps
  • Over Head Dumbbell single hand 12 Reps * 4
  • Over Head Dumbbell both hands 12Reps, 10 Reps, 8 Reps, 8 Reps
  • Bench Dip 14Reps, 12 Reps, 10 Reps, 10 Reps
  1. Legs/Core
  • Squats 12 Reps * 4
  • Smith Machine Squats 12 * 3
  • Leg Extension Machine 12Reps * 4
  • Crunches(open hand) 12*4
  • Abs Crunch Machine 20 Reps * 4
  • Roller Coaster 20Reps * 4
  • Plank 1.5 Mins, .5 Mins, .5 Mins
16mo ago
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Considering you've joined just a month ago,

Chest (Reps - 12,10,8)

  1. Bench press
  2. Dumbbell flat flyes or Peck deck flyes
  3. Incline/decline bench press
  4. Incline/decline flyes
  5. Flat dumbbell press
  6. Dumbbell pullover


  1. Close grip bench press OR skull crusher
  2. Single arm extension
  3. Kickbacks
  4. Push down
  5. Overhead extension
  6. Tricep dips


  1. Deadlift OR T-bar row
  2. Lat pulldown (front)
  3. Seated row
  4. Close grip lat pulldown (front)
  5. Dumbbell rowing
  6. Isolation OR Inclined pullover


  1. Zigzag/Small bar curl or Zigzag (7*3) curl
  2. Hammer curl
  3. Dumbbell curl (alternatively)
  4. Cable curl
  5. Preacher curl
  6. Concentration curl


  1. Shoulder press (machine)
  2. Front arm raises
  3. Lateral arm raises
  4. Barbell upright
  5. Arnold press
  6. Dumbbell shrugs


  1. Barbell squats (most effective)
  2. Leg press
  3. Walking lunges
  4. Sumo squats
  5. Straight leg deadlift
  6. Calf raises

If you do a certain exercise with a machine this week, try to do it with the barbell next week, for ex: chest : bench press, machine press


All other exercises like pushups and pull-ups, do it everyday for warmup irrespective of what your workout is.


Thanks. I will try to follow this for next one month. Should include/exclude few exercises after that?


Join Fittr


I will check this out.


It’s similar to paying for a PT


Do whatever, but keep a log of your max lifts and reps, only way to get bigger for natural lifters is to progressively lift heavier weight and get stronger


I have started doing this. I am trying to increase weight gradually. Do you know an app that I can use to track this? Right now, I am writing in notes.


There are a few good apps, I use FitNotes on Android


this might help


You dont need anything except https://stronglifts.com


Don't do this bro split as a beginner. Do some full body split/ upper lower. Many good fitness influencers have basic free programs, YouTube.


Take a look at Musclewiki.com

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