[Thread] What is your exact workout split?
I am done with Push Pull Legs and doing that 6 days a week. Willing to get a coach if they can make me look more jacked and/or help me run faster, jump higher and lift heavier.
Dezi Denver
8 months ago
Sorry to say, username not checking out ๐ฅบ
Coy Carmden
8 months ago
Please tell us Salt.
Is your username inspired by the salt used in hashing or the table salt or some GoT Ironborn reference?
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Abs/fast walk alternate days
What's your rep range and how often do you change your diet and exercise?
For me, most progress in terms of strength I made when I was doing 16 rep for 4 sets. Currently doing 10 reps for 4 and bulking. Gained around 4kgs in the last 2-3months. Still lean though. My exercise and diet changes every other 3months. Keep experimenting with your exercises and rep range.
12 rep range and 3 sets
Never change diet or exercise.
Compound lifts and increasing weights: Progressive Overload always
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Jordon Carmden
8 months ago
unrelated but what is the point of adding [Thread] in the title, when essentially every post here is the same with a title and comments.
Good question.
It makes it easier for people to find my posts via search. Try typing [Thread] in search and you will find my posts there. Consider it a signature of sorts.
Kendall Dean
8 months ago
i figured it was search related.
about time grapevine added a advanced search
Isaiah Denver
8 months ago
I do strength training 5days/week and play cricket on Saturday night.
-4 full body days
-1 day for week part.
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