
Its all a sham

Managers and above are in this platform to keep an tab on the trend, SDE 0-4 are here venting out pros and cons about the company, work and what not. All these while these pricks in lower/middle/upper management are getting the data



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Indian Startups on

by ignitorconso


Need help !! Toxicity at workplace

I am working as SDE 1 in a good Indian startup. It's getting toxic day by day. Late night workings like 3AM and working on weekends is normalised like anything. Since I am new to IT ( no sort of politics never) and have almost 2.5 Years of experience, I am facing issues in getting credits. Last appraisal cycle in January, I was nominated for promotion but wasn't given to me, reason: you have not worked with architect and he was making decisions. In that case, architect should have been distributed tasks to us. one SDE3 is leading one of the projects ( not a big one ) and manager/architect is not much interested and never join any standup or retro, I have contributed immensely to that. Now since it is completely driven by sde 3 , he takes updates from us and show his work infront of seniors and director + announces like his work and seldom we get thank you in threads. Like if you did one function or wrote complete flow, for both thank you. Because of all these reasons, my work is not getting recognised. There is no one in team to help in this. Whenever a manager or Architect show cases some features or release, it's pretty evident that his team has done it but when a sde 3 does it, it is not the same. It conveys the message all or 90% work is done by him. I would like to take some suggestions from my seniors and fellow mates here. Hierarchy - sde 1-2-3-4-EM I can't leave or switch right now due to some critical persona reasons.


Indian Startups on

by Gytgyt


Unacademy is synonymous to Toxicity

We all have heard about the toxic culture of Edtech. Unacademy is now in the top spot when it comes to companies with toxic culture. Any company cannot be more cruel than this: 1. Abusive language by leaders - COO, CBOs, SVP, VP and other leaders treat employees as slaves. They themselves have made huge lossess and are burning investors money but when any employee voice out their opinion/asks for leaves, the leaders abuse employees badly even in front of other stakeholders. 2. Forceful long working hours - Even if you complete your work in 8-9 hours, you are forced to sit for 11-12 hours just to show the founders. People hardly work after certain hours but they just have to sit and waste their time. This is tiring and there is no work life balance. No time to spend with family. I hardly get chance to spen time with child. 3. Late night reviews - So the company has started this new way of conducting monthly reviews late in the night. People are asked to sit till 2-3 AM for reviews. And this review is nothing but a setup where COO abuses the employees. 4. Forced paycuts - We have seen a forced paycut for the leaders (VP, SVP, Directors etc). 'No appraisal' was still somehow digestable but how can a company justify the degrowth in the earnings of their employees. Company has money to sponsor TVF web series (Sandeep Bhaiya), invite Standup comedians (Biswa and Prashasti), distribute pizzas to all the employees but when someone voices out for paycuts, they don't have money. 5. No Flexibility In Working The company witnessed its highest growth and revenue when 100% of the employees were working from home but now the founders think that people do not work from home so they have called everyone to work from office for 6 days a week. If someone asks for a work from home, the leaders denies or ask to apply leave to work from home. Be it rains, election, etc - we are asked to work from office. Even during the day of election in Karnataka we were called in the office.


Office Gossip on

by StablePint

Early Stage Startup

Rant post

Joined this organization as an SDE. Initially, had a great experience for the first few months, got to learn a lot. However, eventually, the management (co-founder) started showing his true colors where they would favor a few people who would say yes to everything the co-founder had to say, while others who asked for justification would suffer. One such issue is the lack of concrete documentation for policies, and surprise, surprise, the policies change based on the mood of the founders. HR, oh, where can I begin? I honestly haven't seen them work, other than salary processing, where they have outsourced their work like LinkedIn management and basic tasks such as wishing employees on their birthdays. This is perfectly fine with the co-founder, as he considers this innovative. Unnecessarily, we are forced to follow processes that hamper productivity, and we have to attend meetings for half the day. Still, they expect us to work for more than 10 hours when the salary is peanuts—hell, even peanuts are better; at least we can have them with alcohol. My learning is saturated, and there’s no zeal to learn as the manager and others demotivate you. The most frustrating part is the quarterly rewards, which make no sense, as the rewards are given to people who can appease their managers (confirmed). And now that we have increments incoming, they have all of a sudden started highlighting mistakes, finding mistakes even if they don’t exist. Like one such example was the co-founder asking us to write a script when the script was already shown, and asking for an update on a JIRA ticket when it was already given in the comments. They lost my respect when they started canceling people’s PTOs and disturbing people on their much-needed PTOs where they spend time with their families and unwind. The co-founder asks the PO to call and disturb the developer on their much-needed vacations after working for long hours and weekends as he wants to satisfy his ego.