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13mo ago
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Non tech here.
How different and difficult is it to stream for 5L users vs 5.5Cr users?


Think of it like you have a pipe and you calculated it can flow this much liquid using well defined formula.. but if you need more liquid per sec you will require bigger pipe.

Now the problem is there is no defined path in software to tell you that something that is working for 5L will work for 5cr. Even some issues can possibly occur at 5cr scale which were not coming at 5L.

To scale things you have to think, debug, fix and pray(big part).


Yes difficult to predict .. read somewhere once an issue happened when too many users simultaneously exited


Bro be building Netflix clone as portfolio project and saying hotstar scale is itna bhi kuch khaas nhi


What really amuses me is the fact that the people who have not worked in a complex system (let alone design one) are giving all the gyaan on designing complex scalable robust systems but infact have zero real world experience

And what shocks me more are the people who follow and preach them

There has to be a reality check for these so called “influencers “


Its amazing what they have achieved and even with akamai handling most of the streaming infra, hotstar still have to serve for 45M users for homepage, streamlinks etc which is a feat in itself.

That being said, the solutions they proposed are fairly traditional and its more about throwing more compute to your servers and dbs.

Netflix does crazy shit when it comes to streaming like breaking a deal with isps to cache and serve and much more.

Between the two, Netflix while building Netflix ended up creating new open source tools (amazing devops open source) and new terms like chaos engineering.


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