What is current salary band for following Product positions?
APM PM SPM AVP product VP product
Any estimates?
In market, what are the salaries ranging for PM 2/ SPM ? Also, what is expected product experience for each band ?
APM PM SPM AVP product VP product
Any estimates?
I have had about a decade's worth of experience mostly in the ops-biz side of things. I've been part of the 0-1 and 1-10 journeys of some very successful startups in food-tech, fitness, ride hailing etc. In my current org, I was hi...
Based on my experience, here's what I've seen so far: PM 1 - 20-30 lakh PM 2 - 30-40 lakh SPM - 45-55 lakh
What does the salary range for GPM, Director and VP look like?