
Moving to a Night Shift

Hey, everyone I'm a recent MBA grad (fresher with no experience) , i got placed in an IT service company for the first two months , i was nurtured to being a project manager but honestly that role didn't suit me , i come from a non tech background and the initial shift was 2 p.m -11 p.m.

But one week back my department was changed and now I'm in a corporate strategy role seeing the finance side of the project doing FP&A. I was happy that my role was changed but my shift is from 6 p.m to 3 a.m now and now I'm scared that this shift will ruin my mental health and cause other issues. But I really need the work experience, currently the market is pretty bad and with no work ex, It's impossible to switch. So my fellow 🍇viners help me out and give me tips on how to manage the night shift without ruining my mental health.

19mo ago

Get a good sleep of 2-3 hours before starting your schedule . It doesn’t hurt till 12:00 AM. Best part in this case is you get to windup by 3:00 AM


Thanks for the advice , most of the days my work will be done by 12 I'm guessing but I can't leave the office due to the facial scan system and you need to be in the office for 8 hours to get attendance


Personal suggestion would be to say fuck off to this company as soon as you can


In a previous life I used to do something equivalent to a night shift. Used to work 8 PM to 4 AM

Really does affect sleep because sleeping in the day has noise/excess light problems. Please take care of your health!

Pros: Used to wake up at 1 PM in the afternoon and could chill for the first 7 hours everyday until 8 PM hit. Was a fun time


Thanks for the advice, I know the work is more interesting compared to the previous work and I'm excited for it but I'm just scared that working in these timings would affect my social life


Buy good curtains/eye mask. Even if you go to bed at ~5am you can fool your body a bit and wake up at 12.


FYI make sure you're being paid night shift pay, will be like an extra 100-300 per day depending on the company.


I'll try to enquire the HR about it , but the problem is that this company pays peanuts but this is the first time they have hired MBA grads and they are paying us relatively well.


Initially when I started my career, I had 6pm to 5am shift. And I didnot like my work at all, it was like a call centre.

But you have an advantage here, since you like your work. And 3am is honestly not bad.

I would say give it a try for 2 months. It takes our body rhythm this much time to adjust.

And most importantly please keep an eye on what you eat and exercise everyday.

There is a tendency of people working in night shift to maintain bad health. So please eat fruits , eat salads if not fancy ones at least basic ones.

Night time don’t eat heavy food. And limit your beverage(tea or coffee only) consumption to 1 to 2 per days.


I have been working in the night shift (9 pm-6 am) since about 6 months, initially wfh and then from office. There are short term and long term considerations to it.

  1. In the short term, it will take some time for your body to adjust to the schedule. As someone said, best to take an hour nap before starting with the work especially in the initial days. Going to bed at around 4 am is not the worst, at least it is still dark when you go to sleep. Best to invest in good blackout curtains and sound proofing if you really need darkness and silence to sleep. The time after you wake up and till you go to work is the best part of this shift. You can work and still learn a new thing, gym and play badminton etc. Plus traffic should be low as well so some additional time will be available for you.

  2. In the long term, going against a natural process isn't great for the body. I have heard people became short tempered after working for a long time in the night shift. Definitely indulge in a physical activity and meditation to keep your physical and mental health in check. All in all try to switch to a normal time zone after about a year. I am planning that myself:)


Thanks for the help man , I'll try to follow your advice and I hope you get a normal 9 to 5 job in the future .


In a chemical plant I used to work C shift, 10 pm to 6 am. It was fun, start of my career, used to get the whole afternoon to myself. Lots of time to whatever.
Dont fret it. You may like the role and the next stint will be better.


Hopefully , thanks for the advice

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Take the pay cut and come out of this nightshift. This nightshift thing will f’up your health too.