New workplace not vibing
Recently joined a new company and somehow I’m not able to vibe with people and work. I know it’s too early to say but still something is not matching up. Any idea how to tackle this situation or should I start looking for a new job which might take 6 months to 1 year we never know.
Not sure what exactly you are facing but nothing beats some time away from work with colleagues. Take the initiative to plan a lunch/dinner with them or invite them home or go out with them.for a movie. Alot of times,.off-work bonding leads to on-work collaboration and efficiency
Hey, I had a similar problem. Didn't like the work as well. Switched again - vibing well. Idk what you're into, but since you've been through the interviewing process recently - odds of you cracking an interview would be better now. Over that I'm assuming you'll be on probation and hence have an upper hand in joining companies as well.
Again, if the work is good - I think you should give it a shot and take time.