
Only in big companies!

I am in a peculiar situation and feel that I have lost all the trust my immediate leader had on me. bi weekly 1x1s - usually hell of a 30 mins, cross questions, interogation based on what my manager hears about me from my peers, validating my inner strengths, etc. one conversation in a month involves some casual talk consecutive 1x1 will be hellish and it is happening in cycles for a few months My business acummen - for whatever reason my leader does not care about my business results or the way how I am leading an engineering team. Instead he focuses on petty people dynamics and is pushing me to fix people issues which cannot be fixed Loosing motivation - I don’t fancy anymore to pursue awesome ideas and business related improvements as my leader is too demotivating Comfor level - Managers in big tech companies just want the name to appear Who cares for customers - No one. Employee survey on leadership and company - My leadership team in Bangalore and onshore senior leadership is only driven by the fact that we do everything so that yearly employee feedback survey shows our department positively and is never ready to take any risks or bold decisions for the rightful growth of busines. Weird growth expectations - Everyone in my department thinks they deserve to get promotion and opportunities once they reach a certain years of experience. No one cares about performance. Leadership encourages this. Competition - There is no such thing for us, as my leader is mainly focused on drawing the monthly pay check and do all king of unwanted projects and lose sight on project/opportunities that provides actual career growth for my direct reports. Our skills are being outdated and it is becoming very hard to find a job based on our work profile. And so many more .. will make a new post.




2 years ago




2 years ago




2 years ago

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Confessions on

by FreshRaita


dirty tricks played by orgs to Lay Off employees

It's getting dirtier by the day and sure some orgs are still up to their dirty tricks. The models: - Appraise and then Lay Off: Why bother putting bandaid on a stab wound? Anyways the folks are going to fight how to answer the ..why were you laid off war, and now you are adding another twist.. why were you appraised and then laid off? - Low appraisals to force quit: Undervalue them so they leave on their own. It’s a leeches way to cut costs. Kill morale 100%. Severance penny spent $0. - Trap them in PIP: Dress it up however you want - very very few escape this death sentence. - Silent treatment: No assignments, No meetings. Watch them spiral into anxiety and leave to save their sanity. - Workload overload: Drown them in work until they break. No need for layoffs list until they make it to your collapse list first. - Strategic reorg: Re-organize them out of existence. Offer a demotion or a proxy role in a random team that you know they dont want as an alternative. - Sudden policy changes: oh! I have seen so many I can't keep up with this one. New policies that make their life hell. People leave to escape your pettiness. - Mandatory relocation: Demand they move to an undesirable location. Then you treat remote employees like outsiders. Exclude them from key projects, conversations until they feel like foster care kids, second-class citizens. You know the outcome from there on. - Use the "Culture Fit" excuse: Call out how they’re not a culture fit. Vague, unchallengeable, and forces them out without severance. And don't sell me "the org has got to do what it has got to do to survive" line. I don't buy that If you have seen this being done, I understand your silence, but I don't value it. If this has been done to you or someone close to you, I am sorry. Orgs and the people failed you. We could be 1000x better than what we are operating as.


Software Engineers on

by Shratterjack

Series B Startup

Side Effects of working at startups

I am a 6 yrs experienced Software developer and part of a mid-stage startup. This is my third job; I have been working here for 3 years. I was involved here as one of the core engineers at the start in developing the overall platform, After that, my growth as an engineer stagnated for 2 years . Constant importance and priority are given to business requirements and hacky work getting pushed to production in the name of fast iterations and business impact every week. My engineering manager lacks proper engineering skills and doesn't respect engineers even after their impact on the company and constantly keeps saying the engineering team doesn't contribute to the revenue of the company despite us pushing work that improves business positively. Last year around November, around 80% of the engineering team was subtly suggested to start looking out for work (basically a soft layoff) because management was too scared of a social media backlash Due to all this,2 years' worth of technical debt has accumulated on the overall codebase and apart from giving justification for every code improvement that we try to make there, we still have to work on business/product requirements. My growth as an engineer has stopped and I am worried about missing out on the latest developments in the tech industry, especially with AI in the picture, and want to make my skillset somewhat AI-proof. I have come back to hands-on coding this year , so that's a positive start. I am considering taking a 3-4 month break after resigning from my company to study, develop side projects, develop a portfolio etc Has anyone else been in this boat ? How did you come out strong?