Should I resign ?
I work in a company where I am daily abused they call me dumb and my manager says I lack intellect and it’s shocking I am engineering graduate where i should have taken arts. My team leads are no good they also leave no chance to abuse me or make fun of me. They sit right next to me and are busy making fun of me. On top of that this company tracks our mouse and keyboard activity with screenshot of our monitor every 10 seconds to evaluate activity even when in office and there is no remote work policy. Almost daily I am abused and my mental health is gone for a toss. I am in depression and also feel that maybe truck hit me before i go to office because daily I am ridiculed there. Remarks like : I will slap you if any change comes in PR. You are so dumb. Cannot code dumbo. and see recession what will happen if we fire you is common in company.
I fear market situation. So i am confused what to do?

No job is worth you sanity. Please take care and switch ASAP.

If staying in such a job is not essential in terms of money, better to give up. No harm to get rid of, if you are just starting your career. Try leetcode and enroll yourself in some bootcamp of your interest.

If you have enough money to survive for the next 6 months, better resign and start preparing for the next switch. And choose at least one tech stack and make some 1-2 good projects. In the next 4 months when the market starts hiring you will find yourself in a much better position.

Yes. And DO NOT forget to give them their own medicine before leaving

Just move on. Many companies hire when in the notice period more quickly. But before you resign make a legal case against them to hr

I was in a somewhat similar situation a few years ago. I can tell you, resignation is the best option. No money is worth losing mental peace.

Simple answer.. yes you should resign it’s not worth loosing your mental health over