And, would you prefer standing out from the crowd or just end up being one among them?

And, would you prefer standing out from the crowd or just end up being one among them?
I judge when I see someone with an iPhone.
Most likely, he has bought it out of peer pressure or has been lazy to do some good research himself and went with default status choice. I mean, if you have been an android user, it takes effort to shift to iOS and is annoying at first, so I know iPhone are mostly bought out of itch and to showoff.
I find most junior employees in my org having an iPhone. Since I know their payscale, in all certainty it must have come either as a gift or coughing up a few months of salary or through an EMI. When peer pressure and vanity overtakes a bit of financial planning!
@majboormajdoor , I disagree about the research part.
If you have the money for it, iPhone gives the best phone experience. Anything else is Android cope. iPhone has best cameras, displays, performance and support. For a full package they're cheaper and better than Android alternatives.
I see people buying OnePlus phones for 50k, a gen old iPhone or even second hand would be a much better device and would last longer.
Android market has fallen off.
Is the phenomenon in question "chhapri-ization"?
Lol! I wouldn't wanna name call.
But, I quite agree on similar buying behaviour of its users. There was a time guys used to do whatever it takes to buy a KTM (majorly using their parents' money). iPhone now has become something similar with EMIs being thrown all around. In both cases the people who own them are the ones who can't actually afford them. iPhone has become no more special.
That's a fact.
Have hardly seen anyone get such vehicles with their own money.
For iPhones, it's just monkey-see monkey-do, even more so with folks seeing influencers make bank like crazy and flaunt their lifestyles.
Why would someone need to connect an iphone with KTM?
Firstly, you don't need to think of owning iphone as a 'your' privilege. People are buying from their money, whether it's on emi or something. Grow up.
so a lower middle class person being able to afford expensive products with their own hard earned money is bothering an upper middle class person ?
Ah, thanks for bringing in that perspective but we are not discussing that here.
We're talking about falling for peer pressure and buying things that weren't affordable in the first place.
I bought my first iPhone paying it in full in 2022 BBD. I was so happy to finally able to buy it after saving the full amount.
And then when the delivery guy came to deliver it, he said he has around 150 more iPhones to delivery in this same locality 😂
EMI options are really getting outta hands man!
I mean who cares? Tho I know these days people are cutting there heart out and going for an apple product but in the end who cares, they might have made a bad financial decision, BNPL is everywhere it's there choice, and people commenting that they should have done this/that junior employees buying iPhone bro they got that from there money, they worked hard for that job and gifted themselves, and you being senior you are paying EMI of a car that you just bought to show of lol
I'm glad you "judged" I own a car and I'm paying an EMI to show off just because I'm a senior.
Sorry to disappoint you. I don't own a car and I'm not paying an EMI 😂😂
Oh lol I didn't mean you specially it was targeted for a specific age group of millennials
But I really appreciate the kind of aspirational product which Steve jobs visioned and how iphone became synonymous with quality and perfection, haven't seen any product of such level of aspirational and also show offvalue among masses esp on India. Massive respect for their product building, not easy to build 3T company with so few products
KTM has worked on raising the standards and making it more premium, slowly the earlier trends would start to disappear, apple is going on the reverse side and becoming more chapri brand, I see hell lot of more iphones at airports, previously it used to be less
Build a product and mark it up high to create high perception of social status.
Wanna be rich people will fall for this trap.
This is a universal truth unfortunately !!!