
Utterly dumb decision, will just increase cars on the road. How do they even come up with such stuff?

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16mo ago
App Promo

How do they know that people are carpooling?

What if people create a WhatsApp group and travel together?


Coordination/Payments/Cancellation becomes a pain on watsapp, that’s how apps like Quickride were creating value.

In a world where govts are encouraging pooling. Bengaluru officials for few thousands as bribe by taxi mafias are creating problem for people.


I’m sure people will solve coordination and cancellation problems by just communicating better on WhatsApp. Payments I guess is a problem but again not a problem that can’t be solved at all manually.

All in all, they can take away the organised apps but they can’t take away the idea of carpooling.


Bangalore officials will never fail to surprise us. 🤣🤣


By what law can they ban carpooling? Did they pass a new law in state assembly? Else, how will they enforce it? Which existing law states that they can impose such fine of 10k, for stopping the car, getting a friend, and taking money from that friend for ferrying?


I think there's a law that says you need a commercial driving license for charging money to give rides. The idea is supposed to be that drivers who offer rides need to know the place well and should be trained. They are supposed to take a separate exam for this. This exists in London/uk as well. It's archaic now with the maid in phones and gps.

The reality though is that the auto drivers have a powerful union here and form a vote Bank. So it's implemented a bit strongly.


Thanks, yes I realized of that law. But I guess, still they can’t stop people of same company carpooling together. How will they check the money part, suppose the money transfer is on monthly basis, will they be able to check, I don’t think so.


is this what they call “peak Bengaluru moment”


lol. This is more like peak Karnataka moment


Car companies: stonks!


Thinking out loud:
why there needs to be payments involved, can't it just be on pro rata basis, like in January guy1 takes his car pays for fuel, in February guy2 takes his car, March guy3 same cycle. Assuming everyone goes to similar office on similar no. of days.

Don't people cycle through small treats like this? Or are we just weird?


I offered QuickRide actively before covid. Most of the riders were folks who wanted to save money & not really environmentalists.

I paid ₹10/km for fuel, so I charged ₹3/km and would only take 3 riders. On a good day, I’d have to pat ₹1/km to travel to office and on an average day I would get 1 person and I’d have to pay ₹7/km.

All of the folks I ferried had an experience of 0-10 years and more than 80% of them didn’t have a car. The bus connectivity between my home and office was not timely and the ride could take 1-1.5 hours while a car ride took only 40 minutes. Uber would charge at least ₹15-17/km and availability was also questionable. Autos are out of question because it would be a lengthy trip distance wise.

When I used to take QuickRide, the person offering the ride would usually be someone with 10+ years of experience. They are accustomed to driving and will never accommodate to another person’s schedule. They offer rides just to save some money. Some folks charge ₹6/km and made a profit too!

Quickride takes a cut from this earnings if you want to encash it.

This rotation business works when everybody has a car. You can still do that, but there is no business model for quickride or other carpooling apps and it isn’t on-demand.


They way you've explained, it looks like some kind of p2p taxi model only, the cabbie union is in their full right to oppose such operations because they've additional overheads.

You can't just offer cab with multiple pickup points, different riders everyday, under the guise of sophistication.

My understanding of car pooling was, Like example 4 guys live in Ahmedabad have to travel to cipla factory XX kms down south, it's tiring to drive everyday so these uncles form a group and alternate in between, the govt, taxi peeps don't have any problem with this.

But the day you start picking up users from all over the city and drop them allover, the police will impound your vehicle.

It's the minute details and a thin line that makes the difference. (even the buses have similar nitty gritty points and airline industry rights of freedom)


I still offer carpool on Quickride. Who cares about these rules, they can't do shit


They can surly catch that ride app and have it banned, or may be catch you too.


Lol sure good luck to btp


People: How corrupt can you be? Bangalore Govt: Yes. With an evil smirk.


At first, I wanna know who runs that page?
He/she/it/they sometimes post cringe or worthless to be precise.

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