Late Night drinks have kicked in
Made a mean screwdriver. Amazing kick! Mention your favourite cocktails.
Given its a dry day, let’s talk about drinks
Some might even have occasion based ones. Share that as well. Some generic occasions are:
So what your poison?
Alcoholic: Whiskey Highball or a properly made old fashioned if I’m in a bar Non Alcoholic: A good cup of light roasted coffee, black. Hot/cold depending on the temperature and time of the day.
Peach iced tea
When did you first taste this? And is it your comfort drink?
In my office, barista it is available. It improves my mood and also helps with concentration.
Chai and lime soda 🥤🍋🟩
Niceee. Can never go wrong with classics
Nimbu paani/ sometimes thumbs-up
Nimbu paani- chilled is a comfort drink of its own.
And nice to see a fellow Thumbsup lover
Water, nimbu pani
Water? Just water? Not aerated or chilled or anything like that? Thank God you mentioned nimbu pani at least
Made a mean screwdriver. Amazing kick! Mention your favourite cocktails.
What are some of the best liquor/alcohol drinks that you have tasted? I am looking to stock up as some onsite trips are coming up. I don't drink much but like to have a collection for special occasions. Please suggest something that you ...
Recently got hooked to this product from Paper Boat cuz of zero sugar and great taste. I quite like it. Whats yours??
Which whisky you have at your home bar? A thread about your passion for whisky and the collection ^