Ever heard of Mao?
He killed more than 78 million and he is in currency notes today.
Ever heard of Stalin?
He killed more than 23 million and has his statues across Soviet Union.
Ever heard of Genghis Khan?
He is estimated to have killed around 40 million. He is celebrated as a hero in Central Asia and is in Mongolian currency notes
Also, the British Monarchy and Winston Churchill
I'm definitely not engaging with any answers that don't have a "Why". Regardless, my answer would be...
Napoleon, The French Emperor and Military Commander
"The battlefield is a scene of constant chaos. The winner will be the one ...
Akbar. The guy understood the masses like no other. With an Incompetent father, and equally (if not less) Incompeten...
Those who lower standards are thieves of potential.
It is challenge that reveals the shape of our talents.
The sparring partner that hits back. The teacher with the red pen.
Resistance builds strength.
Skill comes to the player of th...