This is the first time I am gonna ask something related to my personal life on grapevine bczz i know my fellow GRAPEVINERS are either went through it , going through it or will gonna experience it . Nowadays the bars for Getting a compatible partner is so high that most of the relationships and marriages aren't even working out .
people who are well settled are even seperating from their partner due to many issues , i am just 22 but it's natural to crave for someone's presence in your life but seeing around the breaks ups and divorces are on a rise due to this busy life , hook up culture , hypergamy etc . It makes me worried that will i actually able to get someone good in my life , i know no one is perfect but what if I'll miss the opportunity to get someone good or what if any toxic person comes who will make life a hell. Many of my friends are in relationship and even those who aren't even sure about their lives and career and the first thing that comes in my mind after watching them is - "Arre iski bhi haiš" ,
Right now I am focused on my career but these thoughts strike in my mind from time to time