
Finding your mate,In this new year

I am 28 now and in an arranged marriage scenario, especially people who are around this age find your life partner by yourself, dont ignore this if you want a life partner, i got rejected in an arranged marriage scenario just due to the fact that dont own car, living in tier 3, and small small things, things to know that find your soulmate by yourself is i can see positive as you judge the other person by his/her characteristics, kindness, passion and not by assets

3mo ago

You could have said nah, was expecting it in dowry☠️


I genuinely want to find a life partner on my own, but how can I do that? It is a difficult challenge.


Grass feels always greener on the otherside. Love marriage is no better. I know of couples who were in relationship for 10 years but divorced in a month citing 'Lack of compatiblilty' . Honestly, even I have been rejected for trivial and materialistic reasons. I look at it as a way to filter out 😉


Sahin bol raha hai bhai

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Hear Premanand ji