
About to graduate in 10 days and still an Intern.

Hello everyone, I am an ML Engineer Intern and have been doing full time internship since past 1.5 years, will be completing one year in June at current company, so the thing is I will be graduating in 10 days and the company is still not talking about PPO, so what should I do now? I don't have another offer as I did not sit for on campus placement because no good companies were coming and I am earning more or approximately equal to most of the companies paying for full time in college.

Now I am a bit scared as I will be graduating and still don't have a full time offer, I am the guy in college where everyone used to tell that I will grab the highest package and here I am in this uncertainty whether I will get full time offer from current company or not. I have worked very hard, even worked late nights and even on weekends and still they are bot talking about PPO and I am applying off campus but there are not many openings for freshers or 2024 graduate even though I have more practical knowledge and skills, so what should I do now, continue as an intern till I get full time or what should I do? I know Python, ML, DL, NLP, tensorflow, pytorch, django, javascript, GO, Docker, linux and I am a very good learner too. So if anyone of you can help then it will be good, I have posted before also on this platform but have not received any help, though got couple of referral but they were of other profile or required more experience and hence got rejected without even an OA. So please refer me or give advice what should I do next?

8mo ago
Find out if you are being paid fairly.Download Grapevine

WHat is your current stipend?


40k per month + 5k based on perfomance out of which I receive on an average 3k every month


Dude with this exp try looking outside you'll definitely land a job, saw some ml hiring.


I am constantly applying off campus and also cold messaging but still not getting any reply.


You should aim for atleast 1LPM


Yess, trying my best

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