
Any HRs here who can help out with a situation concerning previous employer & negative experience letter

So I was laid off a couple of months back and the organization was forcing me to resign. I countered their basis of decision and was able to get my severance instead of notice. Further, they were asking me to serve a reduced notice but I opposed saying this is a layoff/termination from organization’s side and was out in a week. As a result they have deliberately put things like “his performance was average” in the experience letter.

Can someone help me with how to deal with this situation for prospective employers?

P.S: I do not want to go the legal route with my prev org and want to focus on the next prospects so if any HR in the network can help with some advice, that would be great.

17mo ago

anything outside of Rangoli designs is out of syllabus for HR..


Lol!! Such fragile ego over nothing. Hoping there are good HRs also out there 🤞


I never say HR's are bad.. i just call them useless.


None of this matters. Take it easy.

BGV is just an employment validation check. Be upfront with your new employer on what transpired. Make an offer to get a reference call if required from your coworker / manager.


Since I am dealing for the first time so just wanted to gather all kind of information and make sure. But yeah, hopefully this turns out to be the case



All you need is proof of competence (via the interview process) and proof of employment (from previous jobs).

People get laid off all the time. Don't be defensive about it. Its a common business need.


This is nothing serious, it will not affect your future employment.

These type of shenanigans is a red flag of the employer, they behaving childish.

It does not harm you whatsoever. It's well known in the industry.


Glad to hear this but have got some contrasting perspectives so wanted to clear it out. Thanks :)


Why were you laid off? That information is important for anyone to answer this question.


Specifically for me, I got these reasons during the exit process (no proper exit interview): Performance (which I countered), then there were : We have other people to do the job
Cultural fit
Budget issues

So, no proper reason. What I know is they are going to raise another round very soon so must be balance sheet correction. Also, I was not the only one laid off, there were others from different departments as well


I hope you took screenshots of your official emails/slack etc interaction while doing whatever you did. if you do have evidence, you can provide it to the next company once u join (typically background checks happen post joining and affect ur probation periods). HRs understand how Layoffs are done and won't hold. it against you especially if u are a good candidate.


I bcc’ed myself in the entire exit process thread and have it handy. But not of 1:1 direct communications ofc. So proof wise and past references + relieving letter wise I am good as they are all good.


This is definitely going to come out to be red in your background verification. How about being upfront in whichever companies you are applying at. As long as you are upfront, it should not create a problem. Usually startups/ early stage companies may not care about your past background


Yes I am aware that this is a bit tricky during bgv and I intend to clear it also. But need help around a few aspects like when should I bring this up? What supporting documents should I keep ready? What should be the manner I should talk about these to another recruiter?

That’s why I am seeking help. Apart from that I have all proofs, references ready that might be useful but can only be sure when I talk to a person who will be on the other side and how they may perceive it.

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