Chat GPT
Do you think Chat GPT slash AI will be a disruption to human workforce ? If yes, then why and in how many years do you see that happening. If no, then why not?
If not, explain why? What are you threatened by at the moment?
Yes. Copywriters are being laid off. Makes financial sense as well. ChatGPT costs just 24k/annum.
It's a good opportunity for content writers to learn promoting.
Though still human intelligence is required to edit what comes out of ChatGPT
Do you think Chat GPT slash AI will be a disruption to human workforce ? If yes, then why and in how many years do you see that happening. If no, then why not?
Lead social, brand, perf, SEO, partnerships, community, growth, pretty much everything across zero to fairly high budgets. Happy to help.
This tweet summarizes a lot of premature fear-mongering related to ChatGPT. Comment if you agree/disagree (if disagree then why)
I’m curious to know from the freelancing community in here about their journey and how freelancing has been for them. I’m also trying to understand the challenges they are/were facing working with clients in India and what platforms they...