Are people working in corporate really depressed?
Like i have a doubt i gonna join corporate soon. But i have read at most of places. They are kind of unhappy and lonely. Is it true or not? Can someone tell me the reality?
It will get like this if your entire life revolves around this only. After the first quarter there pls take time to get back to hobbies. Join a sport or a class. Meet up with friends. Book a concert ticket. Plan a vacation.
If you only think about Monday to Friday and what your boss says then you will be depressed.
So, if like people already know this, why don't they follow things like this?
Because it takes a fight to be rigid about life outside work... And for the initial few years major focus is on increasing salary so ppl give up everything else. But once they reach a decent salary they have nothing left and fall into a rut
Not me.
Not at all like that
How's your experience?
Draw clear boundaries. Always complete your homework (work expected from your end). Become skilled enough to give you the real confidence to deal with a potential layoff(due to office politics).
FIND HOBBIES. You'll do just fine :)