
Cyber Security

I’m wondering if there are any cybersecurity jobs in India for entry level? Most of the requirements i see for entry level roles are in between 3-5 years of experience. I’m actively looking for some roles in security engineering but only got 1+ year of exp and it’s been extremely hard to get any interviews. Any suggestions on how should I approach to land a role in this.

17mo ago
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Try tcs hackquest Get a good rank on hackthebox platform Try to do oscp -- that helps to get job -- I know is too costly but if you can afford it that would be good Attend conference like nullcon, bsides,owasp seasides etc where you connect with people in this field and your network will increase.

This network might help get some internships Play CTF competitions , they also help is getting internships at some orgs.

Attend your local null chapter that will also help in networking Check null.co.in


Wow okay i was looking for some challenges like hackquest!! Will participate in such events.

Also yes i have been doing some practice on hackthebox and tryhackme. And didn’t know about nullcon thank for the suggestion will definitely check that out.

OSCP takes time and is costly so at the moment I’m looking for some other certifications.
Thanks for all these really appreciate them!!


Lot of openings in Big4 for Cyber Audit roles!!


How should I approach for the Big4 as i tried to apply but didn’t got any response.

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