
Dating Wiki for Men

Hello, fellow men reading this. I have tried my best to include all my learning and those of my friends. I’ve written this as informally as possible.

Let’s get right into it.

Functionality matters as much as features; your personality will matter as much as your looks.

Your looks or pictures on the app will act as a hook, something that will stop girls from swiping left on the spot.


  • Try going to the gym after work or college, and aim for a lean body. This will bring about the most significant change in you over time and will also encourage a good diet and discipline. Everyone likes a fit and athletic person.
  • Experiment as much as possible with your appearance. Look up different hairstyles according to your face shape and A/B test with your barber.
  • Consider getting a frame of specs suited to your face shape. For example, a square frame can really bring out your jawline compared to an oval frame.
  • Wash your face twice a day, use sunscreen, and drink a lot of water. Your face is how everyone judges you, and if you are glowing and smiling, people will be more positive towards you.
  • Maintain proper personal hygiene.


  • Please don’t fall into the trap of generic guitar/dog pictures. You want your pictures to represent who you are as a person. If you are into scuba diving, include a picture of it. If you like books, get a picture from a bookstore.
  • Experiment with different poses and locations. Iterate and iterate to see what works.
  • Don’t forget to smile. The last thing you want is for girls to assume you are too serious.
  • Your pictures need to be a mirror of you. For example, I smile and laugh 24/7, so all my images are goofy.
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7mo ago

Make money and that's it.. that's the bloody hack


These are the hacks for guys who are in college or just came out of college, they will understand in a few years.


Such a based comment, if you are winning on money then everyone assuming mostly corporate workers have already, lost have multiple Generational Wealth Friends who have 30-40 Lakhs of just rental income.


stop looking for “learnings” everywhere - step out, get a life. you’re looking for a date, not for a PM role



-My matches tripled when I used creative prompts and intros compared to normal intros and images. -Your prompts should ideally either tell about you or showcase your niche interests. Use one to tell about yourself and another to create interest in you. Just saying you like F1 is not enough. Maybe use a prompt like “My hell was when X driver moved to Y team” so that they know you are not just riding the wave and it can act as a conversation starter. Be as unhinged as possible. My best prompt was where I mentioned how I made a high school teacher cry; it led to interesting conversations.

-Think about what can be a funny story to tell when catching up with an old friend. -If you don’t have a personality, work towards building one. Just watching reels post-work is not going to cut it. Start reading books, watching good movies and shows, and try exploring your childhood interests.

Art of Conversation The most important rule: please stop thinking about them as a potential girlfriend or a hookup. -Try showcasing genuine interest in their profile, as you are interested in knowing more about them, their life, and their interests. Everyone loves to speak; you just have to give them the space to do so. Don’t be generic. For example, if the girl has Bollywood in her interests and all traditional pictures, it’s better to say, “Your outfit gives xyz actress from xyz movie vibes” than “You look pretty.” Also, try playing a fun game; ask them if you can guess their favorite Bollywood movie or song.

-Don’t let it be like a forced conversation. Ask random questions, and once the flow is there, you are good to go. When flirting, exaggerate and be desperate to make them feel like they are one of a kind. Saying “your cheeks look so red and blushy” is meh, but saying “Your face makes me feel as if I have seen the most beautiful rose blossom in this world” is much better.

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