Hey All,
I’m going to have meeting with HR regarding PIP next week. There I need to take decision whether I have to resign and take 4 months pay or whether I have to go with PIP plan and perform certain tasks for 2 months what they will decide and evaluate. I’m a bit confused what option should I need to opt. I’m looking for jobs but didn’t receive any calls till now but I’m actively applying.
From many people I’ve heard that in PIP they are giving hard to achieve tasks and pressurising to resign else if got fail in PIP, they will terminate and will give termination letter instead of relieving letter. What option should I opt , considering all the possibilities and current market situation?
P.S - I have 2 YOE in front end development
Suggestions from experience would be highly appreciated and can help me.
Im also assigned with PIP..... what would be the procedure if we resign in mid of PIP and HR told me if pip will not be cleared then employee will be terminated and same will be written on the letter as well.
What is this ?
Ig you can resign during PIP as of i know. If you resign then you’ll get normal letter and need to serve minimum notice period .
Ok but for that need offer letter then only i will be able to do this. And when new conpany do background check will it impact ?
Resign even bfr going to meet HR