Peak Bengaluru Corruption!
Tldr: Bengaluru transport commission has banned share rides using Quick ri...

Tax roads for congestion, ban apps that help reduce it. Smart city.
Source: Mint, Hindustan Times
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Tldr: Bengaluru transport commission has banned share rides using Quick ri...
Tax roads for congestion, ban apps that help reduce it. Smart city.
First you've to travel for 2/3 hours to reach airport. Pay toll, now pay for entry woah! Everyone is just trying to milk money from working class
It's time to speak up against these airlines playing the monopoly card (because there's not much else we can do other than speak up).
How can they deceive people and not even provide accomodation to them for the night if they aren't fly...
Govt should take 28% gst + cess extra on office rent payments, Companies will vacate buildings and make WFH traffic...