
Does moving to blr really helps?

Hi, I am 26 M, i moved to blr 2 years back after working from home for few months and getting bored. In the first few months I was very excited and energetic, I used to put effort in meeting new people, attending random meetups, going on dates but nothing turned into a meaningful strong connection and I also got busy with house hunting, shifting etc. and finally moved in a good society near hoodi, it's been a year and I realised I spent most of my time in the house only, there are hardly any sensible meetups happening and if it's happening either it's clashing with my work or i don't have enough courage to join. For example I don't know board games so I don't go to join them.

Also now I am busy with preparing for job switch which I feel has nothing to do with the location as interviews happen online and blr doesn't help in DSA or system design.

For personal growth i believe yes it helps in knowing people, learning human nature, improving communication etc.. but for professional?? The dating culture is also skewed, people having good looks/money or working in tier 1 company like Google Amazon gets out get matches from sensible girls rest of the girls are just there for free food on weekends.

So the question is living alone in blr really helps in growing professionally??

2mo ago
Find out if you are being paid fairly.Download Grapevine

Free food weekend...lol...true af


Board games are fun! I was in a similar place and started going to Board Games.
I made a small circle and also enjoy board games (at least my competitive self does)


What board games do y'all play ?


Ppl at board game events will teach you how to play. There are 100s of games to play too. Check out ReRoll or the one that's at wework in church street (you have a metro from hoodi to there). Meet new folks. Socialize. And stimulate your mind with games. Easy or tough.

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