
Ever Rejected an offer just for growth in skills

Hi Folks,

Have you guys ever rejected an offer just because you thought maybe after 1 year I will get something better?

I'm currently working as a consultant. I got an offer in a core product based company that too for a senior position. I got a decent hike approx 40 percent and stocks as well

I have switched 3 companies in my career of 4 years (currently working in 4th). This is seen as a red flag by interviewers. And I also strongly believe I have some growth in my current company (skill wise not money and promotion).

But in terms of Promotion or Money I have to wait a lot. The hikes are expected to be around 10 percent max in the month of November and for Promotion I have to wait till next June 2025 probably.

What should I do now please advise 🥺

11mo ago

Well, it totally depends on what do you want to prioritise, my friend. I see that you are just 4 years of experience. I am glad that you are staying in your current company to grow your skills. Please stay till you learnt enough and make sure that you get a decent hikes too. At some point of time, you need to prioritise money over skills. Please switch just to fulfill that criteria at that moment. We are all wanted only if we are skilled. Once you reach the higher package, you’d be one of those people standout when company wants to do cost cutting. At that time, make sure they have a strong reason why shouldn’t they fire you.


What would have you done in my situation


Stay in the company for skills. 3 companies in 4 years is a red flag too.


I have seen both sides of the coin. A friend of mine used to switch companies frequently. He is making way more than his counter parts. Another friend who tried the same had his resume rejected multiple times quoting the he changes companies frequently and but his title remains the same. So he might be doing it for the money.

In conclusion it does not matter. There will be companies that will ignore your frequent switching and others that wont. However 3 switches in 4years is a bit much personally.

Getting into product gets tougher with experience. Also joining young is a good idea.

There are plenty of times that i have had second thoughts after getting a new offer. Excuses like everything is fine here. I am learning. Why should I leave. There are times i have stayed. All the promises of new projects coming and you will get to work on it are never kept. Its just that maybe you dont want to leave your comfort zone.

So I would suggest to take the offer.


Sir what to do if nowadays companies are doing layoffs/terminations left and right. People are not able to stay at one company for long.

On top of that most companies started putting 6months of probation and then laying off after 5-6 months when work is done.


Try to find a remote job, those people generally don't have problems


Did you get the context of this post ?


I would suggest switching. Sometimes we regret not making decisions so it's better to make decisions and go with them.
Right now I’m also in somewhat the same boat.

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