@CanineKettle61 almost 2cr.. I hope by saving u mean the amount u can liquidate right away.

50 lakhs in MF 10 Lakh FD 4L Stocks 3-4 L ulip life insurance SIP monthly of 1 lakh on going Trying to ...
Finally hit 1 cr in savings and investments today after 7 years of work. I know it's not a large amount but it's the best I could do while supporting my brother's education and managing my family (dad is no more). Goal is to increase by .5-1 cr yearly now.
Portfolio split- MFs- 65 lakh Stocks- 28 lakh FDs and savings in banks- 7.5 lakh Forex- 3 lakh
Total- approx 1 cr
What I'm working towards- increasing investments in stocks to make it almost 50:50 between shares and stocks and also adding more gold and forex to the portfolio. No real estate in the next 2 year horizon
Congratulations! You are doing well. Keep going!
Any reason for increasing stock allocation? Also, how good you are at stocks research, picking ?
Have seen higher returns on stocks vs MFs for some of the picks I did more research on.
I typically analyse sectors I feel will grow (have worked across industries globally so I have a fair idea of what will do better in the areas i have expertise in). Other than that some are no brainer monopolies like irctc etc
Congratulations and all the best for next target
@CanineKettle61 almost 2cr.. I hope by saving u mean the amount u can liquidate right away.
50 lakhs in MF 10 Lakh FD 4L Stocks 3-4 L ulip life insurance SIP monthly of 1 lakh on going Trying to ...
How much do you plan to accumulate to retire and at what age? What kind of monthly income will let you retire peacefully?
Dimag kharab hogaya thread padhke.
I can retire once my investments and savings are worth 8Cr
Will retire with 10 cr with house paid off.
The wealth should not be inherited.
I'm 30. No house, 10L in cash and 5L in mutual funds. No inherited weath.
Seeing the comment section,I realise I am broke.
This di*k measuring contest is really popular nowadays.
I'm 31 1 apartment for 2Cr on loan … loan will be over in 5 years 1.5cr in MF 10-15L cash I started 4 SIPs...
I know it sounds very funny as it's almost nothing, but considering my background, this is huge for me after just turning 23 and started working 4 months ago at 7k pm. I got 92k just in last 7days. I was in heavy depression for few years...