Frequent Switches : Good or Bad ?
To the People who have made / are making frequent job switches ( say each year or so ), What’s your salary progression and any issues you might think you run into in the future

This thing has been intriguing me for long. In any "tech" team, it takes some time to get around the architecture and codebase, it takes some time to start working on features which have considerable impact. Do people who switch every 1-2 years get to work on features which have high impact? I am currently at a position where I take on big impact features every release, every release note has one or two key points about features designed and implemented by me. I understand that this also puts one in a comfort zone which is not the best. What's the in-between solution then? Thanks in advance for anyone answering who has done both i.e switching frequently and then staying at one firm for a long time.

Same story + thoughts buddy 👊

Salary progression is way better than those who stay at the same company for too long
Issues - I don't think so, if I am able to perform well in interviews and do well on the job, there would always be opportunities I can grab. If some companies say that I switch too often, let them.
Also, switching often (1-2 yr) doesn't mean you are unstable it states the work at the previous org was not challenging enough or they didn't pay you well enough.



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