Gratuity in Startups
My startup just completed 6 years. i am the way to complete 5 years in tjis cpmpany next year.
Does every company that has more than 10 employees have to mandatorily pay gratiity to employees after 5 years of service?
Is gratuity payment dependent on the profits of the company. Recently my company shutdown due to some funding issue and we were told to leave. Upon asking for gratuity they are saying that company is going through financial challenges blah blah blah. Shouldn't gratuity fund be a separate account for companies? Kindly help me.
If you’ve completed gratuity period, you should receive the amount.
Wat will happen if company is bankrupt? How are these cases handled?
Read more: https://groww.in/p/tax/gratuity-rules#
If you have been in the company for more than 5 years ( or 4 years 190 days) you are eligible for gratuity.
Even if the company is filing for bankruptcy, they need to pay gratuity and usually a separate fund is created by the Company to pay gratuity.
The best you can do is to send them notices and reminders for payment of gratuity and file a complaint with the labour commissioner
Yes, this is what I was searching for, A separate fund. Is this compulsory for all companies?
Not compulsory, you can look at the employee policies or financial statements. It's mentioned there, the terminology used is 'Funded' in the financial statements
My startup just completed 6 years. i am the way to complete 5 years in tjis cpmpany next year.
Does every company that has more than 10 employees have to mandatorily pay gratiity to employees after 5 years of service?
I'm a fresher and I don't really understand how companies structure CTC components. What is Base Pay, Special Allowance, etc. ? What all components are actually credited in our accounts?
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