
Guidance for a 24yo M from a 30yo.

Is it too late to start all this??

Need guidance from big bros on following: Fitness, Sports, Finance, side hustle, corporate, shift abroad, relationships, content creation and whatever you can add.

So am working in a mid sized good product based company as an SDET 12lpa+ with 4yrs of exp it was a good switch for me as I spend too many years in a Manual testing role. Now exposed to good amount of technical stuff. Never invested much as pay was not that good earlier. Stopped going to gym 7-8 months ago to prep for job switch. Have stopped playing sports any of them. Went away from home living in a metro city. I want to grow in my corporate role. Want to invest properly, create content, play sports and maintain at least 4-5 days fitness routine, guidance on shift abroad would be helpful and want to maintain relationships and connections how to meet new people. Ik this is too much to ask/do. Just want to see if anyone who has done this before is here or not.

Anyone can share their thoughts and experience and what you want me to be sure of.

6mo ago

You want to do 10 different thing and all at once. I am not 30 but I can say just start one or 2 at a time.
How can you do a 9hr job , 2hr sport , 1 hr fitness , 2hr study for switch! On daily basis.
Prioritise things


Good that you asked for guidance. All I can say is, whatever you do, do one big thing at a time.
Start with one project, make it at good level and then move to second while keeping first passively active.
By this way, you can ace all 7-8 categories you mentioned by age 30.

How to start? Start by prioritising.
Figure out what needs immediate attention, and what can wait a little. I think corporate and fitness has to priority, and side hustle/ finance can wait.
Build skills first, then leverage your time and money.

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