

I am working as a Product Manager for a blue collar company within a large company. Although everything is good prima facie - good pay, work hours, people. However I am not intrinsically motivated towards the work.

Each day feels like a drag and I feel I am wasting my time here. The only thing which is holding me back is the great pay

I do not know what to do. Honestly want to take a break and chill to figure things for couple of months but then the thought of not finding a job or being jobless scares me. The notice period is also 90 days

Any thoughts?

23mo ago
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Looks like you have a good skill set. Move to a product company that focuses on good PM culture considering your current company may not have one.


How long have you been working?

I feel the same, but I'm new. 2022 graduate. Working as an APM, but my good salary is the one reason that makes me interested in the job. :/


Given you have good WLB, try using additional time to network with folks and getting exposed to more interesting roles/companies/problem statements?

If you can, take a longer break as an alternative

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