How are you dealing with ADHD?
27 M. Got diagnosed with ADHD and starting some meds for it. What's been your experience on ADHD meds?
Also any non medication tips and tricks to function normally?

Break the task to 10min interval, tell yourself I will watch reels or phone after that. Once you are in the task ,you continue working. This helped me. Also the warning on medicine saying it's addictive and the price forced me adopt above startergy😅

I mean mine is fairly reasonable. The one I'm put on is like 840-1200 a month. Still experimenting with medicines as per the doc

Vape solves it

No bro, vapes give you popcorn lungs, search for the vape story post on grapevine. OP had slim chance of long term survival, hope he's alright.

I've always suspected it but never got an official diagnosis done. I just try to have 3-4 main priority tasks per day that need to be done and focus on doing those. Self employed, so boss complaining about working hours isn't an issue.

I fill up my plate with too many things to do. Generally end up finishing 90 percent of them. Also being a generalist helps.

I generally feel a lot of product managers have adhd as the chaos and higher dopamine payoff + firefighting makes our lot feel more at home in this role.

I wanna ask this too, specifically in the context of corporate environment.