Market definitely is going somewhere down right now. I interviewed at 3 companies in 2017, got 2 offers and selected one. Spent just 2-3 days with each company.
I interviewed at 11 companies in 2021, took 4 offers, got denied by one company because of egoistic interviewer and stopped interviewing in rest midway because I got what I wanted. Spent three weeks overall.
2023, I applied at 50+ companies, got intro calls from ~30 of them and currently interviewing at 4 companies. It's been a month and still going on. Did 3 rounds in company 1, 2 rounds each in company 2 and 3 and 1 round in company 4. It's been a month so far and HRs are taking a lot more time than ever before. Seems it'll take this month too for me to land an offer.