I give up, is graduating from tier3 really so bad not worth of getting a chance and even if I get a chance ultimately I get rejected,
My rejection count is above 20 right now I think it is my fault ultimately I am thinking to give up I am writing this because I can't even cry 😭 . God won ,I give up
Hey man...I was from that college where no company visits for placement( no means even mass recruiters don't visit). When I was there in my third year I got to know that 2 of my seniors got offer from TCS ninja (off campus) and it was like a big celebration in my college. So at that time my only aim was to get TCS Ninja offer because it was like a dream selection. Fast forward, I cleared written test but got rejected in Interview because I got froze in interview, although I was knowing the answers but something happened and I was just silent. So I got rejected from there. I came home and I started feeling anxious. I lost my appetite and I was totally depressed. But somehow I continued applying and I started giving Interviews. After my first rejection, I was so fearless that I was able to clear all my interview. By the end of fourth years I had 4 offers in hand. I joined in of mass recruiter and then left that after 1.6 years and got selected in other company. While I was looking for my first switch, I got chance to interview with Amazon,Google and Microsoft also. It was like dream (not dream actually because in college all I knew was TCS) coming true. Never in my college days I thought that one day my resume got shortlisted by these companies. Now I am pretty much chill in my life...but anyway that first rejection made me fearless and sometimes it's very necessary to face rejections also. May be God has different plan for you , so keep applying and upskilling yourself. There are good days after bad days. That's called LIFE. 🤗
Thanks for supporting
You cannot give up unless you're rejected by 150 companies straight.
Keep improving from interview to interview. Retrospect what went wrong after each interview.
That's the actual issue none from the interview panel are actually ready to provide me a feedback I know I don't suck at DSA but I do suck at in depth knowledge of the particular tech stack
No interviewer will give you a direct feedback. You gota assess yourself with what went wrong. (Come back and check for solutions and compare with what you gave).
More better way, go for mock interviews where you could get feedback. (Try interviewbit or other platforms)
I was from tier 2, and trust me for intern I had applied thousands of application. Thankfully I got a call from a startup, literally started crying in the interview being embarrassed over lack of knowledge. Later on interviwer gave his personal number, listened to me and help me gain confidence. After few weeks got selected for another interview, got selected. Was literally discussing the published research paper of ther interviewer.
Don't get disheartened.... Try to get out of loop and looking into bigger picture. You must be missing something
The only choice I have now is to give up, I graduated this year and I need to take up family responsibilities I wanted to die because no one respects me anymore 😭
Hey ! Just relax . Take a break of 1-2 days . Calm your mind and start preparing again. This is very common. It happens with all of us and 20 is not a big number. We face 100s or rejections to get a job or internship. So it’s very common. Just gear up , start again and you’ll achieve it definitely. I promise!!
If you need any help please don’t hesitate to reach out via DM.
Was from Tier 3, decide what you want to do with your life!
If you want to be a coder then build a good GitHub repo and start contributing to Open source.
I'm really interested in Java currently I'm learning spring boot any suggestions on what projects to build to really highlight myself
Bro I am from Mechanical branch graduated from tier3 , turned up Senior Frontend Developer . One thing : Patience and consistency is the key
I was also from tier 3 college. I got my dev job 1.5 years after my graduation. Be ready for the grind or go into sales.
If you believe in God's plan, then don't give up! Get rejected and try to know from the interviewers what improvements are required.
Anyone reading please do let me know if there are any sde roles openings in your company 🙏
Chill bro something bigger is waiting for you.