If you do what you love, you will never work a day in your life.
Do you believe in the above saying. Is it even relevant in the Indian software industry? If yes, please describe what you do.
No, absolutely not
Not just in terms of software, but the moment you turn your passion into work, you'll hate it, not to mention, you won't have a passion to turn to as a stress relief
I'm my opinion, enjoy what you do or like it enough that you're able to earn money for it and carry out your passions on the side
Not true. Majority of us don't have the privilege to what we love. I like to write code but coding is not my passion. I'm in it for the money. If I had to do something that I truly love I'd probably do volunteer work wrt to social issues, which wort help me in putting food on the table anyway. The follow your passion works only in Movies/Videos. Reality is different for everyone
This is not relevant in any industry and it is an absolute scam of a statement. Because as soon as you make your passion a profession you have to figure out ways to monetize it and grow it. You will be forced to do things which fall under the domain of whatever you're passionate about, but it may not necessarily be what you really want to do all the time. In the end you're stuck in a situation where you love the field but not your work, but can't really leave because you don't have another monetizable skill set.
I remember this line from a Korean drama - Keep what you love the most as your hobby and what you love the second best as your profession.
I find it more believable.
Even love marriages crash and burn mate. It is all about balance at the end of the day. You can do what you love, but you will need to find time to rest and explore other things outside of it.