Tips to fix my ducked up attention span!
Has anyone taken consious steps to fix this? Or are you are mindlessely scrolling as well? Do share your experiences.
I have messed up my attention span to the point where I am not able to sit and focus on something for 10 minutes. I need to study for a switch but i am not able to do so. If anyone has any tips to improve that, books, meditation, or anything that worked for you guys.
How much sleep you are getting per day?
It's not fixed, mostly in the range of 4-8 hours. It's hard for me to sleep at night and even harder to wakeup. For few weeks in a row i had <5hr average.
First fix this, because nothing will give better results if this is not fixed, min 7 hrs per day is must.
Then try reading books. First start reading a paragraph in one go and then increase the amount that you are reading.
Don't be so harsh on yourself, take it easy and increase sleep time and reading capacity slowly slowly.
Don't drink tea or coffee after 6pm
I try to batch schedule my notifications on iPhone and keep my phone away. My screen time is ~4hours & I’m trying hard to bring it to 1.5-2hours/day.
Has anyone taken consious steps to fix this? Or are you are mindlessely scrolling as well? Do share your experiences.
how many minutes are you able to study continuously before ADHD kicks in ?
how to last long while studying?
Recently read about something called short attention span and was taken aback by the very evident thing present in my habits and day in day out task that I carried out. Started observing in much more detail about how this is really affec...
There's no 1 answer to it. It cannot be solved in an instant. I attend therapy to deal with issues in my life. I find...