Not really, average will change when the people actually wish to move to top 1% and are ready to put in the effort and that there's No additional influx of average engineers. But that's just not true. Every year we have more and more mediocre engineers, but not many in top 1%. If it was really that easy, it wouldn't be called top 1%
Also, it's a wrong thing to say that you are only top 1% if you are bringing in some change. It's the most pathetic argument I have ever heard.
People aren't in top 1% not because of them bringing change with product, but because they are mediocre. As simple as that!
And the argument about depression is wrong as well. Based on what I said, it could mean, you are depressed, you have identified the problem and you know that this solution is what would work. Hence, solving for it is the thing to do!