it's bad that you're feeling this way but try to think about it. what would you do with your future partner if you don't have anything interesting to do now? how would you spend time and day after day with her if you can't enjoy your day yourself right now? you're sounding depressed and desperate from this post but it's good that you shared it becasue then only you will be able to figure out things. try to start doing things, small things, big things doesn't matter but just start doing it. doesn't matter if you feel bored in doing those things. you can try reading books, going to your preferred restaurant or movies. try walking for half an hour or so or start going to gym. you can go for trekking by enrolling yourself in group where you can meet people. or just go for random backpacking trips.
you may feel like you know all this, you don't need suggestions and from all this nothing will happen but you have to give a chance to yourself to try new things only then something new will come.
try to make a life for yourself then only you can be happy with your future partner. because if not even if you get lucky and get a girlfriend what would you do with her? where will you go with her? it'll be bad for you and her and you'll come back to the same place. so start making life for yourself and you'll find your partner in this process.
you can take it or leave it but that's the only way for you. hope you find your peace.