
Meditation helps with focus?

I noticed that my distraction levels increased drastically. Thanks to so many apps, every 5 mins, I end up scrolling for 10-30mins. I feel very depressed by end of the day for not being productive and the guilt is killing me. I observed working from office is more productive for me but that’s not possible all the time. Deleting apps is not helping and on top of it, I feel I’m missing out a lot of important content that actually helps to keep me updated. I heard meditation actually helps but I’m I find it very very challenging to meditate as I easily loose focus and become impatient.

5mo ago

yes not directly but its gonna help you to become aware that you are scrolling unnecessarily and it will help you pull back immediately i mean your urge or what's will be less effective. but again like we go to gym we need to meditate all days


It is will be* less effective on your mind (not whats )


try mindful meditation for 5 mins consistently every day without expectations


I use Headspace and it’s my favourite subscription ever. I would much rather pay that 899 for a year than 3k/session to a therapist


Hey , I have completed almost all meditation courses playlist from headspace, using it from last 2 years,it has helped a lot Now looking for something new, any recommendations?


Nothing much to add. Just loving the username. If it is what I think it is.


Highly highly recommend this app called Insight Timer 10 mins a day, broad collection.

And I don't always like to listen to someone, so their timer feature is quite good. Do for 10-20 days, I am quite sure you'll start feeling the difference.


For meditation you don't always have to have silence around you. You can play instrimental music while you sit down for meditation (keep volume high enough that you can hear it, but not loud). Close your eyes, breathe normally and let the music help you with focus. After some days you will be able to meditate without music as well.

In case you don't want to use any external help - meditate outside (balcony/terrace/garden/park) in the early hours of the day (5-6 am).


You can attend the Digital Detox Session from Habit Strong.


Don’t force meditation, if you are able to do then start with two minutes just sitting, doing nothing.

Read a book “Digital Minimalism” by Cal Newport


There are studies which suggest meditation can worsen mental problems


Mediation has many forms.
As an example every time I ride my bike for a long distance I feel my brain go empty of noise. I can think a single thought and focus on something deeply.

This does not happen when I am doing yoga and focusing on breathing.

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