Navigating the world of stock markets
I'm just out of college and while I wait for application processes to begin for my masters, I've been working a few content writing jobs here and there and have managed to come up with a decent amount
Since investing is all the rave, I have been reading a bit about the stock market. Although resources available to help a 20 year old Indian student have been limited or undiscoverable so far.
Looking for links, stories, personal beliefs or opinions on how I should go about starting investing.
At your age you would be so much better off (long term ROI) learning something/anything that will help increase your long term earning potential and open better career paths for you.
I know this is boring advice but can say from experience it's the correct one.
Boring advice is still advice 😂Thank you for replying and I'll surely look into this as well
Zerodha varsity, screener
Thankyou! 💪
Are you an active invester too btw? What kind of stocks did you invest in at the beginning