
Need Help

I am working in TCS from last 9 years. I have started my career through TCS but I didn't get any opportunities here. My salary is only 4 LPA in 9 years. I am a BPO3 associate. I am trying to switch but not getting as such options in Kolkata. Can anyone help me to get a job in Kolkata. Thanks in advance.

8mo ago

Try to negotiate with your HR & Manager
One of my colleague got the hike He put down the paper then manager gave him good hike internally.
New BPO3 get almost 7-8 or 9 LPA

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IT Company Discussion

Want to switch to TCS

Hi, can anyone refer me to TCS, it's been close to 2 years in CTS. Have knowledge in Manual Testing with Facets, Salesforce and Automation Testing with CITS, Selenium and Salesforce.

I'm from Kolkata area, also want this area.

Can any...

IT Company Discussion

Need to switch

I’m currently working in CTS as PA with a package of approx 4.3 LPA. It’s been 2 years here and it’s a complete waste of time. First, they put me on bench after training and then recently, in Dec’23, onboarded me in a project. I’m lookin...