
Need help gym gains gone

I've been hitting the gym regularly for a couple of months. Managed to go from doing 5 push-ups in 3 sets to 20 push-ups in 3 sets.

I usually work on my upper body 2-3 times a week with a day or two of rest in between.

So, I took a break for 2 weeks and then got back into my routine. Now, I'm struggling big time. I can only do about 17-18 push-ups in the first set, 15 in the second, and by the third set, my arms feel like they're really weak. It's like someone pulled the plug on my energy suddenly. I'm resting at least 90 seconds between sets, and my sleep and diet are proper. This has been going on for 3 weeks since my break, and I'm stuck.

How do I get my gains back?

3mo ago

Don't worry much.

Remember: The last 5 reps you do in every set actually matter. So however much you do, you are progressing anyways. Just do the reps till (almost) failure.


Sorry to hear about the lost gains. Also been the story of my life man. Always lose my gains from dieting

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