

I'm doing internship in a company, I got a full time offer from another company, I want to resign from my internship, they are not allowing me to resign, and my full time company want me to join them as the opportunity is fully remote i can join but I'm worried about epf account. I might get caught doing dual employment in background check, what should I do, please help!

19mo ago
App Promo

What do you mean they are not allowing you to resign? Resignation does not need approval from the company. You resign. Which is an intimation in written to tell them you are out. If your contract has a notice period, you serve it and you are out on the last day.

A last ditch effort would be to just leave the internship today. I mean, stop going and stop responding. The worst they can do is not pay you for that month and not give you a certificate. Considering you are interning, I am assuming the full time job is your first job. If so, you are a fresher anyway and they aren't gonna ask you for any kind of experience letter. Don't do this if you don't need to. And read your contract for abandonment and bond criteria before even considering it. But, it's an option.

Ideally, just write an email that you are resigning. Either by mail or mail and some HR platform they might be using. But make sure you have it in written and you have screenshots. Once your notice period ends, just stop showing up.


But yeah, don't do both at the same time.


My manager said that he won't accept my resignation, because i habe sent too many emails, i just sent 2 emails regarding resignation only, I talked with HR, too look into it, let's see what happens, and they don't even care if i come or not 🤦🏻‍♂️, this hybrid policy

  • talk it out politely with your manager/whoever is responsible for you during your internship. They cannot stop you from resigning, the worst they can do is not provide an experience letter / stipend. I hope you’re giving them some sort of notice period or following what’s on your contract.

  • there is no EPF account during internships from my experience. EPFO is created for full time employees.

  • background check also confirms employment with previous employer, and toxic companies can make it difficult during this process. So I would encourage to keep your conversations polite and professional through this process.


in nokia they do create epfo account for interns also,from base salary 2 pfs were deducted, 1 employee and other employer


Check your appointment letter for the resignation clause. It should ideally just say what UpsetUnicorn said above i.e. you can resign by serving some notice period. As such there is no acceptance. It should also say what happens if you don't serve notice. They can't stop you from leaving. Do inform the HRs of the company you currently have an offer from about you interning. (They might ask for a screenshot of email resignation intimation to the current company.) Since EPF is involved they will come to know about it anyways, so it is best to inform them.

At any point of time do not work for both companies at the same time. It leads to conflict of interest clauses coming into effect and the new company might just let you go.



talked with my HR here in prev. company, Got 30th June as last working day, told my HR in new Company asked them to adjust the date of joining, they adjusted ti 3rd July, now everything is fine.

Thank you everyone for your advice :)


Illegal for anyone to forcibly deny you. This is pure fluff and intimidation. Do your thing.


Your current company can’t keep you working without your consent. You can resign and they will ask for paying some money stating they invested in your training etc. Pay it and be done with it. If nothing helps send a legal notice.

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