Capgemini notice period
What is the notice period in cap Gemini when we are on bench. Will they give early release.
Hi guys, I am currently on bench from 1 month and having 2.5 yoe in Capgemini. And looking for switch, can I get early release from Capgemini?
Yes you can get early release easily if you are on bench
What is the notice period in cap Gemini when we are on bench. Will they give early release.
I am working as an ASE at Accenture, I have a better offer from a startup and I want to switch. But the startup is asking me to join within a month. The problem is that Accenture 's notice period is 3 months. Has anyone dealt with any si...
I have joined Capgemini on dec 2022 and I have resigned on 16April 2024, my last working date is 18April 2024. Will there be any amount i need to pay to company after completing 18months including notice period and still can i get experi...
Today got a call from HR manager and expect me to join early, if early release is not possible then they will drop/hold my profile.
During last one month ongoing discussion HR was aware that I’m yet to resign, informed that official no...