
One month into the gym and I feel something

It's not like a lot of things have changed. My weight is still the same though as I haven't worked much on my diet but I feel more strength. I feel more powerful. But it's just one month.

Wanna hear from you guys who have been regularly working out for 6 months, 1 year or more. How life has changed?

9mo ago

I worked out for 4 months and went from kuposhit jacked. 😱


Nice.. btw any opportunities for Android developers 1yoe at Gojek?


Always be shooting your shot? 😂


i started last year. I had a back pain due to incorrect posture and long sitting. My only goal was to build discipline, i only did cardio plus few chest exercises , went for 6 months, had taken help of trainer as I didn't want to suffer from back injury. I also did mri meanwhile and nothing came out. Due the workout routine my backpain went away. Backpain was the result of my laziness , haha. Unfortunately my discipline broke and from past month i have started again. Now I am focusing on building muscle, so following push pull leg split. Just today installed lyfta app to learn new exercises. In this one year journey I have avoided sweet and packaged products altogether, only ghar ka khana. Lost 8kg in healthy way. Now I have a great physique. My goal for this year is to build muscles and strength. I wish you all the best too. For discipline I would suggest you to just have in mind that you have to gym just go, you will do exercises going there. All the best pal. It's really worth it, its fun, its amazing


Great comment. Thanks


remember friend: food + sleep + workout 😁

  1. It will bring in discipline(Went from waking up at 8 to waking at 5 now).
  2. You will feel stronger, get stronger as well. And I feel that your immunity might increase(this is debatable though).
  3. Your body’s metabolism will increase and you would get more active and feel the same.
  4. You should most probably be getting good sleep(that’s what has happened for me).
  5. You would really feel good about yourself and be able to fit into those clothes, which you really wanted to.
  6. But one thing which you should remember is “The moment you leave gym for some time being(more than 2 weeks), you will slowly get back to original.
  7. Going to gym is a ritual(you do it daily without fail).

Why would 2 weeks to get back to original? If it takes me 2 years to fix it


For some it may take 3 weeks to a month. When you hit the gym and are active, your body’s metabolism rate increases. Body is able to burn more calories in rest state, as well as during activity. The moment you leave the activity, those extra calories won’t get burned. Apart from it, body will slowly move to the previous metabolic rate. Also, once you hit the gym, your body would need some extra calories, and you would be able to feel that hunger. When you leave the activities, body’s need for calories is still there. Just that the burning stops. And eventually, you would come back to a similar state.


Thing a few folks have mentioned it here already but brings a lot to the table like discipline, peace of mind, etc. Been going for about a year now and it's pretty much the most peaceful part of my day. Most underrated part is the effect it has on your mental well being. Based on my experience, it helps a lot mentally and keeps you in a calm state of mind.

Think you'll feel the effects and motivation for a few months easily, just make sure you keep it at it once you reach your saturation point(the point where you feel like nothing's changing). Be patient and things will pan out. Diet is super important though but could be a completely different experience based on your body type. Also keep in mind that what works for others might not always work for you so keep experimenting till you're satisfied.


Sure sir. Thanks


I have worked out pretty much all my life, started from running and sports when is was super young. Transitioned into calisthenics when I was 15ish, started hitting the gym since I was 18.

After a while of any new physical activity it becomes like a hobby or passion if you are really into it. Physical change takes a long time to see, years not months - keep going it’s one of the best things you do for yourself.


Hey I want to start calisthenics,can you share some beginner info or channels,and y would u go for gym if ur doing calisthenics.

(I have zero idea about it sorry for the ignorance)


No worries, back in the day bar brothers on YouTube used to be super popular. I don’t know much about the calisthenics scene today


It changes the way you perceive your body, Anon. You'll feel better. You can feel your body becoming stronger, more flexible and you'll feel better.


Recomposition takes place if you are overweight, even if you don't have a good diet


Yeah I think so. I am a bit overweight. Planning to decrease like 10-12 kgs. Let's see how much time it will take

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