
Orgs accepting 90 days notice.

Can you guys please list down name of companies which accept 90 days notice. I know there won't be a lot but I need at least one offer to resign.

I haven't received any callback so far and I suspect this could be because 90 days notice ( I put 60 usually but no luck there too). Once I go on notice with one offer I can get more I think.

P.S. My resume might also be the issue (obviously 😂). If anyone can help me with resume review I'll be highly grateful. (Coffee on me if you are in Pune).

P.P.S. Looking for Backend Java /Spring boot developer role. If you can guide/refer please let me know.

12mo ago

Just say that your Notice is 45 days. When 45 days happen say that your project has gotten extended and it will take another 30 days to resolve.

Then, just say that you will take a break for 2 weeks to rest between jobs.

Or, buy out your NP. Or, negotiate with manager. Or, get on bench and then resign. Many things to do.


Thanks for the advice. :)


I think you are from Tech consultanting in EY 🤣🤣

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by PrancingLlamaSoftware Developer

Orgs accepting 90 days notice

Can you guys please list down name of companies which accept 90 days notice. I know there won't be a lot but I need at least one offer to resign.

I haven't received any callback so far and I suspect this could be because 90 days notice...

Indian Startups
by PrancingLlamaSoftware Developer

Orgs accepting 90 days notice

Can you guys please list down name of companies which accept 90 days notice. I know there won't be a lot but I need at least one offer to resign.

I haven't received any callback so far and I suspect this could be because 90 days notice...