
Please suggest if i should switch or wait

I joined Accenture in 2021 at l10 and got promoted in 2022 June to l9 with 30%. After that dint get any increment in salary(only 3% once ) like most of my project colleagues. Now i got an offer with 30% hike but my managers are asking me to stay back,though they won't give me any promotion or increment in June cycle asnit is already locked ( that's what they are saying) but they are assuring me that they will match my offer in two cycles ( major % in dec cycle and remaining June 2025 cycle. Also ,they don't want to give anything in writing and want me to trust them. What should I do ,trust them and stay back or switch with 30% hike. I have total 9yeo and the new organisation is an Indian mnc. Plus I have a good repo here in Accenture and a good work life balance.

9mo ago

If wlb is a priority, stay if you feel the other org wont be able to offer the same. Dont expect any salary correction soon else you’ll be disappointed


Yes wlb is a priority but money and growth also matters.


Been in a similar situation. Money matters but only upto some extent. Do some research, or just check in grapevine itself the avg salary for your exp. in your expertise.

If u r below the average, time to take the new offer.

If at avg or above, let it pass and continue in Accenture.


Bro never ever believe in what they said. Today they are saying they will match but tomorrow they will just keep delaying and finally won't give you anything. So better switch, rest is upto you.


This is happening with me too.. but I think I should go ahead with my offer.. as cant trust the words until they give in writing..


There could be a possibility that your manager himself/herself leaves the organization. Don't stay based on assumptions and promises.



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